Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Do you know what's DINAIR?

Hello readers! :)

We’re all used to applying our makeup with brushes and sponges, but imagine if there was an easier, quicker way. Airbrush makeup isn’t just for salons and professional makeup artists to doll-up celebrities. You can enjoy the benefits of it right at home with Dinair.

Dinair is the originator of airbrush makeup, which revolutionized the cosmetics industry. For over 30 years Dinair has been the choice for professional makeup artists worldwide and is the leading innovator of airbrush makeup, systems and accessories.

Tired of fussing around with your standard foundation and eye shadow? Dinair's makeup lasts on the face all day, leaving your skin with a flawless, natural finish. After a little practice you can complete an entire makeup look with precise control in about 10 minutes. That leaves more time in the morning for a coffee stop! Dinair even has makeup tutorials that show you how easy it is to apply.

Airbrush makeup has a ton of benefits too. It’s silicone and paraben-free, non-comedogenic, water-based, hypoallergenic, and dries on contact so it won't sink into your pores! :) Plus, no finishing powder is needed and, since you don’t apply it with sponges or brushes, you won’t transfer any bacteria to your face and body.

It’s also a lot more fun than regular makeup! With the personal compressor (that comes with all kits) you can apply makeup, airbrush tanning, and hair and body art, and Dinair has a full line of stencils to help you create the perfect look.

What A HUGE Difference right? :)

I really wanna get these!! :DD But where to get this in Malaysia? :(

Till then,

Friday, February 24, 2012

Simply, Random.

Hello readers. I don't know whether you are reading this blog or not. I know my life is not that interesting because I don't the $$ to spend like them, the blog you think are interesting. :)
Well, what is that related to $$? OF COARSE IT'S RELATED! When you don't have $$, where got lifestyle? If don't have $$, there is no good food to eat and enjoy in high class restaurant. No interesting pictures in my life. I hope someday I will. Haha. Who doesn't like money? Everyone does right? Just that, it about what kind of person you are. Whoa~ I'm not the negative one like you're thinking right now. Haha.. Please think the positive side of me. Thank you. ;)

There's so many wonderful little things in the world and I can't even get to enjoy them. Sometimes, I really envy my friends and those who have wonderful life compared to mine. Maybe I'm not satisfied the way I live right now, and maybe the person I envy so much, also not satisfied the lifestyle they living now. Why humans never get satisfy and so greedy? Oh well, I really wish my dreams will come true. You'll never know what i'd dreamed of. Hahaha.. I dream big! Never give up to achieve something I always wanted.

Till then,

Paris Love. ♥♥

Ouhmeegoshh! ouhmeegosh!
Paris is such a romantic place ever! I wish my dream will come true! I learned how to pronounce a - z in the French way. Very weird. :P But I'll try my best to learn! I can't wait to speak French fluently! Btw, Parisian guys are sooooo hawt! Shouu sexay! :P One day, I will. Maybe. :P Who knows? :P Everybody is sleeping now. But I'm not, yet. Going to bed now!

Till then.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunway Damansara Pent House.

Hello baobeiss, ;) Yesterday I went to Damansara for brunch at Ikea. :) Mostly I always eat the Nyonya food there. Damn nice one the kuih. :P I ate starch for my brunch. Not good. :( But seriously, very full. I ate 3 pieces of the "white" kuih, I don't know what's the name of that kuih. 1 piece of kuih lapis and 1 piece of of the green+ white kuih! LOL! I forgot the names! xDDD oppssies. And so....We went for a walk at Ikano and The curve. I just love the bazaar. Plan failed. I wanna but belt. but nice belts are always expensive. Many things to see..I hand damn itchy now, wanna spend my savings. :P and then I went to my aunty's pent house at Sunway Damansara. Not bad, but old concept. So it's not worth to pay 1.2 million for that pent house for an old concept..but anyway cheap thou. Hello? DAMANSARA, man! 1.2 million is cheap already for that kind of area. I was wondering, why she chose that pent house, since there are still so many choices for pent house now? Btw, I don't know what should I do next time in my future. Nowadays, houses are so freaking expensive. Whenever I see the commercials from the newspaper..all MILLION~ MILLION~ MILLION~ ouhmuaigawd..million here and there.

Outfit of the day! :))

So, Reached there, we had our YumCha session with ze family and relative.

Love love the colours of these kuihs. :P Or is my skills good enough? :P *perasan*

My cousin's son, Avan Lee keep asking me to hold this ducky. So cute, so I decide to take a picture of the ducky of his as memories for me. :D

End this post with this lovely family photo. The small little boy in the middle is Avan Lee from Canada. He is a Canadian you know. :) My cousin had migrated to Canada because she's married to a rich Hong Kong guy who also migrated to Canada. She is soooo lucky! You know what, I read today's Star paper, and article about "Study and the City". The Top 50 Best Student Cities ranking. Paris, France ranking is the TOP 1! OUHMUAIGAWD again. I can't believe it. Hahaha.. I seriously can't wait to go to Paris to continue my studies in the future! wahahahaha!

Till then.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jason Chen! ♥o♥~

I started to fall for the song he sang! Damn nice one! :DD HAhaha..He's kinda cute~ xP
I know I kinda outdated.. :( Currently, loving this song Best Friend ( chinese version) and also english version. Hehehe.. But whoever who don't know about him yet, you can check out on his youtube here , facebook here , his official site here , and his twitter here . :) Enjoy his updates!

Till then.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Macaroons. ♥

Have you ever tried macaroons? I never taste it before because I never buy it before. So I wonder how it taste like. It looks so delicious and I really wanna eat em'. haha. I heard that it taste very sweet. Are they really very sweet? Does the colours of the macaroons represent the type of flavour? Leave comment on my chatbox and tell me what it taste alright? :)

Till then.

☜ ♥ ☞

Sweet! <3 :DD

Taken last Sunday, 5/02/2012 . Wei jie such a great sister! Love her shoo mucho! She treat me like a baby and she buy me bread for breakfast! Hehe.. I feel loved. xP She's getting prettier! Love her photography skills. She damn pro one. :DD Hua Hua grow very big girl already! Heeee. I'm such a pity one. 2 years older than her but she's taller than me so so much! *paiseh* :@ ahahahaha.. :PPP I'm still fatt mou at home. I really don't know what to do other than facebooking and blogging. As for drawing, I need mood and patience. Just watch Fashion Designing tutorials in youtube. Hahaha.. I think I know the drawing basics already. Just that, I need more ideas. :P Been searching a lot of stuff realated to fashion designing.. I realized that I got more ideas on shoes and evening gowns only. As for formal or casual wear, damn weak.. I'll try my best to be creative.

Till then,

Monday, February 6, 2012

White dress.

Hello readers! Mom suddenly in good mood, so she brought me shopping at Jusco. Then I realized, she got motive one! She can't decide whether to buy the dress that she saw the other day, so...... She bought 2 dresses include the one I wore above. The dress I wore, the colour only got size S she bought pink. I love this dress because I think it's very feminine. But I don't feel like buying it already because it cost RM89. Damn expensive.. My mom got money ma.. so she bought it for herself lo..Anyway, she bought also, I don't wanna buy already. I don't wanna wear the same dress with her! LOL! Pathetic, even a dress I can't afford to buy.. wth.. -__- That's why I wanna go for part time lah! Too bad, grounded already! :(((

Sunday, February 5, 2012


*sigh* Time flies really fast.. I wish I could go back.. :(( Been spending 3 days 2 nights at wei jie's house.. Today I need to go home dy.. I don't wanna go home can or not? :((( I don't wanna get scolded every time for no purpose and sometimes small matters also got scolded. Very unhappy.. :( I'm really fed up of my mom's voice already.. Unlike wei jie's house here... full of laughter and peacefulness. I enjoy being here. Hui went to Penang with family and friends. They sure enjoyed. But wei jie did'nt follow, maybe because she got assignments to do, if i'm not mistaken. So guai lui.. xD Had my photoshoot yesterday too. No theme at all, so random.. xD

Till then.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living? - Bob Marley

Hello again. How's the bun i tied? xD Hahaha.. So, how do you guys enjoy your CNY? Well, I'm not really enjoyed. It's like, as i grow older... everything has changed. The way my parents treat me has changed. I've changed too. My brothers changed too. The 3 of us has grown up. We did not fight like a small kid punching here and there anymore, but sometimes we argue over small matters. I don't wanna stay at home now. I wanna get to know more new friends. I wanna gain working experience. I wanna earn myself some pocket money. I wanna do something fun, interesting and excited. I wanna be happy. But as time flies day by day.. I'm getting unhappy. I don't know what's on my mind right now. I've been thinking alot of stupid things recently, but swear, it'll never ever gonna happen because I can never get what I think. I have things I need but I never have things that I want most. Envy my friends sometimes. They can have everything they want but they still complaining. Seriously, I don't know what they still want and what's so unsatisfied about their life? I'm just an ordinary girl who dream big! Not hoping to get what I want but get my butts off to grab the things I want and to be a successful person. I don't know whether I can still take it anymore. Looking forward and do not look backwards. If I fail, I'll try and try and try...

Till then,
bren, xo


Hello~ i don't know how to describe..just let the pictures tell you the stories.. haha.. :)
Bai Tian Gong. :)


Me and Summer.

My twin, Brandon.

Brandon and Hai Sheng. Two gay lous. xD

Me and Sin Wen.

The girls.

The Boys.

Ahahaha.. xD

Right... Did i ever told you that I was grounded after I went home? == Thanks to my twins who doesn't wanna go back by 11pm. and my mum was like damn damn angry.. and then the 3 of us got grounded just like that for 1.5 years. WTF! Actually i was not allow to go to my jii mui's house over night.. But promise is a promise. I don't know what's my feeling right now. Angry, nope. Sad, nope. I just hate it being grounded. My mom sometimes is not like what you think. She broke the promise, At first she said she gimme the last chance and n0t grounding me already and she allow me to go to my tuition teacher's house for bai nian.. and then yesterday she not in a good mood, suddenly she yelled and screamed at me and she said she don't allow me to go already.. Wth??! I told my tuition teacher already that i can go, and now she don't allow me to go?! I seriously don't know what the eff she wants! How I gonna live like this? I tried to convince her by massaging for her.. but, in the end..all the effort i massage for her is just RUBBISH! useless also.. I'm not gonna trust her anymore...she's just talking rubbish! Leave comment on the chatbox if you think I'm wrong or my mom is kinda psycho? == I'm not happy.


Chinese New Year gonna end soon already. This year seriously not a great year for me. FML.
Weather: Raining.