Tuesday, February 7, 2012

☜ ♥ ☞

Sweet! <3 :DD

Taken last Sunday, 5/02/2012 . Wei jie such a great sister! Love her shoo mucho! She treat me like a baby and she buy me bread for breakfast! Hehe.. I feel loved. xP She's getting prettier! Love her photography skills. She damn pro one. :DD Hua Hua grow very big girl already! Heeee. I'm such a pity one. 2 years older than her but she's taller than me so so much! *paiseh* :@ ahahahaha.. :PPP I'm still fatt mou at home. I really don't know what to do other than facebooking and blogging. As for drawing, I need mood and patience. Just watch Fashion Designing tutorials in youtube. Hahaha.. I think I know the drawing basics already. Just that, I need more ideas. :P Been searching a lot of stuff realated to fashion designing.. I realized that I got more ideas on shoes and evening gowns only. As for formal or casual wear, damn weak.. I'll try my best to be creative.

Till then,

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